NZAP Schedule

Monday 7 December

Tuesday 8 December

Wednesday 9 December

Thursday 10 December






9:30 – 10:30

Paper 1

9:00 – 10:00

Paper 1

9:00 – 10:00

Paper 1

10:30 – 11:00

Morning Tea (KP)

10:00 – 10:30

Morning Tea (KP & Rehua 005)

10:00 – 10:20

Morning Tea (Rehua 005)

11:00 – 12:00

Paper 2

10:30 11:30

Paper 2

10:20 11:20

Paper 2

12:00 – 1:00

Paper 3

11:30 – 12:30

Paper 3

11:20 12:20

Paper 3

1:00 – 2:30


Women in Philosophy Lunch (Logie 401)

12:30 – 2:00



12:20 – 1:20


2:30 – 3:30

Paper 4

2:00 – 3:00

Paper 4

1:20 2:20

Paper 4

3:00 – 5:30

Registration and Afternoon Tea

(Karl Popper ground floor)


3:30 – 4:30

Paper 5

3:00 – 4:00

Paper 5

2:20 3:20

Paper 5

4:30 – 5:00

Afternoon Tea (KP)

4:00 – 4:20

Afternoon Tea (KP & Rehua 005)

3:20 3:40

Afternoon Tea (Rehua 005)

4:30 6:30


(Locke 611)

4.20 5:20

UCAI Paper 6

3:40 4:40

Paper 6

5.20 6:20

UCAI Paper 7

4:40 5:40

Paper 7

5:30 – 6:30

Opening Address

Douglas Campbell (Canterbury)

Greenbeard theory, meet simulation theory’


5:00 – 6:00

Paper 6

6:30 – 7:30

The Lovelace Lecture

Diane Proudfoot (Canterbury)

‘Did Turing endorse the computational theory of mind?’


6:00 – 7:00 Apéro

(KP ground floor, BYOG)


7:00 – 10:00

Buffet and bar


7:00 – 10:00

NZAP Conference Dinner

(Riccarton House, inside and outside, bar from 6:30)

7:30 – 9:30

On the eve

Ada Lovelace’s Birthday Party

(KP ground floor, BYOG)





TUESDAY 8 December




KP 612

KP 413

KP 508

9:30 – 10:30


Tom Yates

University of Auckland

Criminal liability: a dilemma for culpability internalists

John Matthewson

Massey University

Populations and machine-like decomposition

Marco Grix

Massey University

Liminality and its philosophical use(fulness)


10:30 – 11:00

Morning Tea (KP ground floor)

11:00 – 12:00


Heather Dyke

University of Otago

Moral obligations to future generations and the non-identity problem

Max Cresswell

Victoria University of Wellington

The battle for meaning: Ryle and Findlay vs Carnap

M. Dentith

University of Waikato/Beijing Normal University

Theorizing about conspiracy theories in the time of the novel coronavirus

12:00 – 1:00


Dan Weijers & Nick Munn

University of Waikato

Philosophy as a vehicle for significant learning experiences

Michael Lebuffe

University of Otago

The identity of indiscernibles and human nature in Spinoza’s Ethics

Cei Maslen

Victoria University of Wellington

Causal relativism

1:00 – 2:30

Lunch & Women in Philosophy Lunch (WIP in Logie 413)

2:30 – 3:30


Benjamin David Young

University of Waikato

What is the past?


Aneta Markoska-Cubrinovska, Diane Proudfoot & Jack Copeland

University of Canterbury

2020 The Innocenti Maria Bocheński Year—his impact on logic in NZ

Vanessa Scholes

Ethical issues with involving kith and kin in tertiary education

3:30 – 4:30


Alex Miller

University of Otago

The role of rules in Wittgenstein’s later philosophy of language

Zach Weber

University of Otago

Mathematical pluralism and inconsistent arithmetic

Asher Soryl

University of Otago

‘The ‘Myth’ of Bambi: Idealized Nature and Wild Animal Suffering’

4:30 – 5:00

Afternoon Tea (KP ground floor)

5:00 – 6:00

Nicholas Agar

Victoria University of Wellington

On utilitarian shit stirring

Grant Tavinor

Lincoln University

Virtual reality and pictorial seeing’

Charles Pigden

University of Otago

Russell, causality and the solipsistic prison

7:00 – 10:00


NZAP Conference Dinner

(Riccarton House, inside and outside, bar from 6:30pm)


WEDNESDAY 9 December






KP 612

KP 413


9:00 – 10:00


Jamee Elder

Harvard University

‘Sherlock Holmes, smoking guns, and consilience: the epistemology of multi-messenger astrophysics’

Stephanie Gibbons

University of Waikato

Mixing it up: the unity of propositions and objects in Plato and Davidson’

Giulio Valentino Dalla Riva

University of Canterbury

 ‘Quagmire & botheration for table & diagram: when numbers mean something more than just that’

10:00 – 10:30

Morning Tea (NZAP in KP ground floor, UCAI in Rehua 005)


10:30 – 11:30


Simon Keller

Victoria University of Wellington

Beyond ideals of friendship 

Adriane Rini

Massey University

Susan Stebbing, Alice Ambrose, Ruth Barcan Marcus: the role of women in symbolic logic

Douglas Campbell

University of Canterbury

‘Robots in Nozickland: a cautionary fairytale for our times’


11:30 – 12:30


Elisabeth Ellis, James Higham, & James Maclaurin

University of Otago

‘Aviation exceptionalism in the age of Covid

Justin Sytsma

Victoria University of Wellington

Crossed wires: blaming artifacts for bad outcomes

Simon Brown

University of Canterbury

‘Building a computer that thinks like the brain’


12:30 – 2:00



2:00 – 3:00


Gregory Dawes

University of Otago

Towards a practice-based pluralist theory of cultural knowledge 

Jeremy Wyatt
University of Waikato

The prospects of primitivism

Zhao Fan & Jack Copeland

University of Canterbury

The strange phenomenon of Turing denial


3:00 – 4:00


Justine Kingsbury

University of Waikato

Self-report: an unstable foundation for aesthetic theorizing’

Emma Maurice

University of Canterbury

‘Insights and methodologies working with historical sources to identify Indigenous philosophical traditions’

James Maclaurin

University of Otago

‘What is it like to be a bot?’


4:00 – 4:20

Afternoon Tea (NZAP in KP ground floor, UCAI in Rehua 005)


4:20 – 6:30










4:30 6:30


(Locke 611)

4:30 6:30


(Locke 611)

4:20 5:20

Tanja Mitrovic (Canterbury)

‘Using AI to support student engagement in video-based learning’


5:20 6:20

Amy Fletcher (Canterbury)

Autonomous futures: positioning lethal autonomous weapons in the landscape of future warfare


6:30 – 9:30


6:30 7:30

The Lovelace Lecture

Diane Proudfoot (Canterbury)

 ‘Did Turing endorse the computational theory of mind?’


7:30 9:30

On the eve …

Ada Lovelace’s Birthday Party

(KP ground floor, BYOG)



THURSDAY 10 December



9:00 – 10:00


Jonathan Pengelly

Victoria University of Wellington

Philosophical prototyping

10:00 – 10:20

Morning Tea (Rehua 005)

10:20 – 11:20


Tim Dare & Justine Kingsbury

University of Auckland, University of Waikato

‘Explaining explainable AI’

11:20 – 12:20


Christoph Bartneck

University of Canterbury

Same same but different 

12:20 – 1:20


1:20 – 2:20

Justin Sytsma

Victoria University of Wellington

‘How to make a conscious robot’

2:20 – 3:20

Ben Adams

University of Canterbury

‘Toward contrastive explanations in GeoAI’

3:20 – 3:40

Afternoon Tea (Rehua 005)

3:40 – 4:40

James Atlas

University of Canterbury

‘Protocol and sensor software development for fracture healing’

(Rehua 005)

Michael Grimshaw

University of Canterbury

‘Not thinking like a young white western secular man—whose intelligence and what intelligence is being artificialized?’

(Rehua 002)

4:40 – 5:40

Randolph Grace

University of Canterbury

Minds, brains, and the puzzle of implicit computation’

6:00 7:00


(KP ground floor, BYOG)

